a dinosaur loves snow

Kevin Johan Wong
2 min readJan 7, 2021

Dinosaurs normally don’t like the cold, but there’s something about Dino that doesn’t fit the mold. As soon as fluff falls from the sky, Dino’s standing there waiting, waiting to say hi.

Sometimes Dino sits in his cardboard box atop of his hill, tumbling and rumbling down just barely avoiding a spill.

To Dino nothing feels better than footprints in fresh powder, being the first to break ground, he couldn’t be prouder.

But sometimes a snow day isn’t about going out, sometimes it’s looking outside, window pressed to snout.

And on a cold chilly day Dino grabs his mug, and gets ready to tuck himself in all nice and snug.



Kevin Johan Wong

A professional tinkerer 💡 aspiring writer ✍ pragmatic dreamer ⛅ creator of Dino 🦖 & OFLO📻.